I originally wrote this piece back in June of 2020. But, it continues to be relevant and I still find this message to be valuable. I hope it blesses you and changes how you approach the Word...
"Getting to know God is a beautiful and miraculous thing. A true relationship with the Creator cannot be formed in a one-sided attempt to understand ourselves."
When I first felt the Holy Spirit nudge me to read God’s Word, I didn’t know where to begin. I decided to start with Genesis because this seemed logical. Genesis is packed full of drama, wonder, and some very shocking actions taken by God's people. The first book of the Bible holds so much weight and importance — it’s where we see creation formed and the entrance of sin into the world. We read genealogies and wild family stories. We see God’s promises come to fruition! Through all of this, I read with a selfish heart. I wondered... “But, where do I come in?” I read with a very “what-about-me” attitude.
I wanted to know what the Bible could reveal about myself. I sought how scripture could apply to me in a personal and direct manner... I was on a journey to self-discovery rather than a journey to know my Creator. I treated the Bible as if God’s Word was just another version of a self-help book. “How to overcome anxiety,” “How to be more patient,” and “How to find success,” were topics and dilemmas I thought the Bible would directly address. While I believe it absolutely essential to seek the Lord’s guidance in these areas, I was missing a greater point. A point far beyond myself...
I was superficially reading the Bible — as if it should be a blueprint to lead me through the exact circumstances life threw at me. As if God’s living Word existed just for me and my needs/wants/desires. Have you ever poured your heart out to someone only to have them begin talking about themselves and their struggles? Yeah, I feel like that’s similar to how we approach the Word at times. Here is the Bible in all its glory, enlightening us with the true Word of God, and here we are seeking only to benefit ourselves.
I am certainly not saying we should not search the Word for guidance, and I hope that you do turn to God before you seek answers from this fallen world. But, the Bible is not and has never been about us. The Bible is about Jesus, through and through. Take a look at John 1:1-5 with me:
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. All things were created through him, and apart from him not one thing was created that has been created. In him was life, and that life was the light of men. That light shines in the darkness, and yet the darkness did not overcome it."
It is clear that, from the beginning, Jesus was with God. Jesus is God. He was before anything else -- before creation; before time. This is absolutely mind-blowing to me and it drives home the greatness and awesomeness of our God. I have come to love Him so much more than myself since I first read Genesis all the way through all those years ago. Getting to know God is a beautiful and miraculous thing. A true relationship with the Creator cannot be formed in a one-sided attempt to understand ourselves...
I try my very best to read to seek Him and to understand Him more fully. I am in complete awe of God everyday, so much that I’m often at a loss for words (and I always have a lot to say!). No amount of devotionals and Christ-centered articles could have instilled in me the peace and increased patience I have gained through Him. I’ve learned that I must first show up, ask God to change me, and to listen. It’s not about me, it’s about Him. And with that, there’s no way I could remain unchanged. Sometimes, the very things we desire to understand require us to first understand God. And with that, all else falls into place. As it should be and as God intended.
Seeking Him out alleviates those heavy life moments, brings about peace, and changes us from the inside out.
Prayer: I pray that you never stop growing, that you never stop seeking God. I pray that you show up, that God will tune your heart to hear him speak, and that he will speak to you in ways you will recognize and understand. God, may we read to seek you, to fully know you, and to fully love you.
Choose to show up for God today. I encourage you — decentralize yourself from the story of the Bible. Listen to the Word without seeking to find how you fit into the story. Jesus died for you! Let us seek to know his character, his personality, his qualities, how he lived, and what he did.
How will you approach the Word today?
How does knowing the Bible is about Jesus change your focus?